ASTM UAS Approved Training Provider Program (UATPP)

W. CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., October 29, 2018 – ASTM International announced today a new partnership with Praxis Aerospace Concepts International aimed at meeting the need to evaluate the growing number of training programs for drone operators, maintenance technicians, instructors, and others in the unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) industry.

The new joint offering, the UAS Approved Training Provider Program (UATPP), will evaluate curricula of training programs to see if they are in compliance with standards. It is based on technical standards being created by a group of ASTM International members, including drone experts, manufacturers, and others in a subcommittee (known as F38.03) focused on personnel training, qualification, and certification.

Applicant organizations found to be in compliance with standards will receive a UATPP Approved Training Provider certificate. They can then market their training programs to prospective trainees as such. Each application costs $750 per training provider location seeking approval.

Read the full press release here. Also, see this new article in ASTM International’s Standardization News magazine.

About ASTM International

Committed to serving global societal needs, ASTM International positively impacts public health and safety, consumer confidence, and overall quality of life. We integrate consensus standards – developed with our international membership of volunteer technical experts – and innovative services to improve lives… Helping our world work better.

About Praxis Aerospace Concepts International, Inc

Founded in 2011, PACI is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business based in Southern Nevada. PACI develops and operates laboratory and field facilities for multi-modal (ground-air-sea-industrial) response robotics, unmanned systems (UxS).  PACI uses a mix of proprietary technology, unique team domain expertise, and unique partnerships to provide clients with research, development, test, evaluation, deployment, commercialization, and training solutions across the globe.

Boeing Teams with Robotic Skies to Provide Enhanced Commercial Unmanned Aircraft System Services

Boeing and its subsidiaries Jeppesen and Aviall have joined with Robotic Skies, a leading commercial unmanned aircraft system (UAS) support services provider, to develop and deliver industry-leading supply chain management and optimization, analytics, and maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) services for the commercial and civil UAS markets. 

Read the press release here

New York and Nevada Ranked as Top Two “Drone Leaders” Nationally

In this year’s Rankings Report, Business Faculties’ 14th annual entry, they’ve taken the first crack at Unmanned Aerial Systems (a.k.a. drones).

During the past five years, UAS test facilities (stretching from New York and Virginia in the East all the way to Alaska) have been quietly going about their work preparing for the lift off of what is conservatively expected to become a $100-billion industry by the end of this decade. See “Nevada developing global renown for drone research ” for more information.

In recent months the FAA began expanding its horizons for the emerging drone industry—literally, by permitting the use of drones that will be controlled by operators who can no longer see them with their eyes (as in “over the horizon”). See “PACI Approved for Commercial BVLOS UAS Operations” for more information.

FAA also has expanded the test program to include the integration of drones into the airspace of a select group of urban centers. See “KDOT Selected for UAS Integration Pilot Program” for more information on PACI’s participation in the UASIPP.

(Business Facilities’) rankings radar has detected that New York is leading the first Drone Leaders formation, followed closely by second-ranked Nevada. SeePACI Achieves Milestone at the NY UAS Test Sitefor more information on PACI’s partnership with NY.

Read the full article from the Business Facilities’ July/August 2018 here .

KDOT selected for UAS integration pilot program

Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao May 9 selected the Kansas Department of Transportation to participate in the department’s new Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program.

This program will pair the Federal Aviation Administration, KDOT and private sector participants to collect invaluable data on how to safely integrate drones in the national airspace, and help state, local and tribal governments partner with private sector drone operators and manufacturers to expedite drone integration nationwide.

Under the program, KDOT plans to deploy UAS to support beyond visual line of sight operations in rural communities. It seeks to leverage a statewide, unmanned traffic management system to facilitate precision agriculture operations.

Praxis Aerospace Concepts International Incorporated (PACI) is pleased to announce our participation with the Kansas UAS IPP team supporting with a  wide variety of services and experience to participants interested in safe integration of Unmanned Systems.

Read the full article from the High Plains Journal here . Additional coverage from AUVSI may be found here.

UAV Industries launches South Africa’s first accredited Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Training

UAV Industries, a leading commercial drone pilot training and operations company, has announced the launch of its accredited Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Training Course, open to all drone pilots in possession of a valid Remote Pilot Licence (RPL). First to market in Africa, the B-VLOS training course is endorsed by both the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SA CAA) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

PACI and PACInc instructors traveled to Capetown, South Africa last year to attend UAVI’s intensive training program. As the only US company with both SA CAA Remote Pilot Instructors with BVLOS endorsements, and a Part 107 BVLOS waiver for Training, PACI congratulates UAVI’s success and welcomes the opportunity to partner even more in the future. 

Read the article from SUASNews online here.

FlightSafety Jumps Into UAS Training

FlightSafety International has jumped into the UAS pool. The aviation training company announced Thursday that it will begin offering “a wide variety” of unmanned systems training programs for commercial operators. FlightSafety said it is developing standard and platform-specific courses for both seasoned operators and those who have no prior experience and will work closely with operators on customized course development to create programs tailored to their specific needs.

The courses will be taught by qualified instructors and offered online through FlightSafety’s advanced eLearning system, onsite at FlightSafety learning centers, or at customer facilities. The courses will meet standards that have been set by the FAA, ICAO, the AUVSI trusted operator program and other leading agencies and organizations.

For more information here

PACI Approved for Commercial BVLOS UAS Operations 

(March 28, 2018 – Henderson, NV) Praxis Aerospace Concepts International (PACI), a leading developer of droneports and unmanned systems services, has received a Part 107 waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration to operate UAS beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS).

“We are absolutely thrilled to be the first Nevada company to receive permission to fly commercial BVLOS. This is a major step over the hurdle for the commercial UAS industry. This will open up many opportunities for businesses already anchored here and those corporations who want to start-up here at our Searchlight Airpark facility,” says Jonathan Daniels, CEO of PACI.

PACI has received multiple other waivers and authorizations, which include <1200’ AGL along the world’s longest civil UAS corridor through the Eldorado Valley, night operations nationally and both day and night within the Las Vegas Class B.

While the FAA-Designated UAS Test Sites have been conducting BVLOS operations for test purposes in the past years, such as the recent NASA UTM TCL 3 activities, federal law prohibits these experiments from commercial activity for compensation or hire.

PACI joins the only ten companies within the US allowed to offer BVLOS for professional aerial work.

Read the article from JD Supra online here.
Additional coverage on this story by AUVSI is available here

Aviation safety experts focus on heliport safety, altitude integration, weather gathering and UAS

Last week more than 50 aviation safety professionals and leaders from industry and government came together in Washington DC for this year’s USHST Infrastructure Summit.

The summit is designed as an industry and government collaborative effort comprised of groups that are involved with; impacted by; have federal, state or local regulatory oversite, jurisdiction and/or enforcement of; or provide general advisory/council on:

  • Heliport Safety, Standardization, Education and Oversight
  • Low Altitude IFR Infrastructure Design and Integration
  • Aviation Weather Gathering, Dissemination and Reporting

“With all the current discussions on Capitol Hill about improving and upgrading the U.S.’s infrastructure, aviation absolutely must be a part of that discussion,” said Rex Alexander, one of the coordinators for the Summit. “A properly designed low-level infrastructure will be critical to providing a harmonious airspace for all of the current and future users looking to conduct business in the NAS. With the current and continued influx of UAS, drone and VTOL aircraft coming into the market, setting up a well thought out foundation now will be vital for ensuring safety and accessibility for all parties.”

Participants in this year’s summit included representatives from: Association of Air Medical Services, Association of Critical Care Transport, American Helicopter Society International, Airbus Helicopters, Air Medical Operators Association, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, American Society of Testing & Materials Int., Bell Helicopter, Boston MedFlight, Department of the Interior, Federal Aviation Administration, Helicopter Association International, HeliExperts International LLC, Hughes Aerospace Corp., Leonardo Helicopters, Levitate Capital, LifeFlight of Maine, Protean LLC, Maryland State Police Aviation Command, National Association of State Aviation Officials, National Center for Atmospheric Research, National EMS Pilots Association, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Transportation Safety Board, Praxis Aerospace Concepts International, Inc., Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, Uber Technologies, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. Helicopter Safety Team.

The original press release from United States Helicopter Safety Team and more information can be found here.

PACInc as subcontractor to Battlespace Flight Services on 3-year Army RQ-7B Shadow NET contract

Praxis Aerospace Concepts Incorporated (PACInc) is pleased to announce a subcontract to Battlespace Flight Services on a three-year task order supporting the US Army Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems Project Office (TUAS PO) for RQ-7Bv2 Shadow New Equipment Training (NET).

As a part of the AASKI Technology, Inc.  team, we will support the Army and the Army National Guard in their transition from Shadow RQ-7Bv1 to RQ-7B-v2 systems at multiple locations throughout the United States.

“This is our first win with PACInc as a training and services company,” says Jonathan Daniels, Chief Executive Officer for PACInc, “We are very glad to start 2018 in such a strong manner and look forward to working with our teammates on this and other projects.”

The original and full article from AASKI can be found here.